GOLD AWARD @ Floriade EXPO 2022 for Germany and Qatar

the award goes to :
„BIOTOPIA – Growing Community“ Germany –
Gold Award „Official Participants – Outdoor Gardens“


„Desert Nest“ Qatar Pavilion – Gold Award Kategorie „Hospitality – Outdoor Gardens“


We are proud that the pavilions realised  by kpm3 at the Horticultural World Exhibition 2022 with the theme “Growing Green Cities” were honored with these awards for their performance.

The Floriade Expo 2022 in Almere from April 14th to October 9th aimed to raise awareness of sustainability in cities worldwide to present possible solutions.


A big round of applause goes to all those involved and contributors.

kpm3 assignment: GU
LocationAlmere NL
Project Realisation: 14. April to 09.Okt. 2022