EXPO 2020 DUBAI Great Experience with EXPO EVENT Swiss LiveCom Association and kpm3 at the amazing Expo 2020 Dubai – what a  great journey ! Project Realisation: November 2021Links: EXPO EVENT (expo-event.ch)Expo 2020 Dubai | Startseite | Köpfe verbinden, die Zukunft gestalten | Expo 2020 Dubai LinkedIn

Temporary Garden BUFA 2021

Temporary Garden BUFA 2021 Temporary garden in Berlin In addition to the expansion of coworking office space and studio apartments on the Berlin Union Film Ateliers site, kpm3 berlin is also realizing the installation of a temporary horticulture on the BUFA area. Which is  used as one of the locations fro the open air film presentation…

Jablonskistrasse , Berlin 2021

Jablonskistrasse , Berlin 2021  Exhibition experiences implemented in apartment renovation.On time, highly efficient and up to day design – kpm3 GmbH in Berlin has implemented its experiences from exhibition and temporary constructions into the renovation of this in a state of disrepair apartment. The result is a detailed complete renovation of this historic apartment in…

House 2+4, Livingspace BUFA 2021

House 2+4, Livingspace BUFA 2021 For the customer Fabrix  former offices are being redesigned into modern apartments on the Berliner Union Film Ateliers area.  kpm3 al general contractor has been implementing this great project in the last few months together with its partners and architects MVRDV  / @HS HirschmüllerSchindle Architekten. Client: Fabrix / Tempelhof LimitedArchitects: Hirschmüller…

Nimm Platz, special exhibition 2021

Nimm Platz, special exhibition 2021 “Nimm Platz” special exhibition for children at the Humboldt Forum Berlin kpm3 was allowed to realize the special exhibition NIMM PLATZ for children together with Drei D Medienservice as partner. Kpm3 was responsible for the factory planning, production and assembly of the installation. Due to Covid the exhibition was not…

Art Installation ANOHA 2021

Art Installation ANOHA 2021 Kunst – Installation Schlange zwischen Grashalmen im Eingangsbereich Kindermuseum ANOHA , Berlin Das kpm3 Team in Berlin hat für das Jüdisches Museum Berlin diese Kunst Installation realisiert. Die Schlange zwischen Grashalmen dient im Eingangsbereich des Kindermuseums ANOHA als Sitzbank. Die technische Umsetzung der Holz – und Metal Konstruktion wurde von kpm3 geplant und umgesetzt. Client:…

kpm3 supervisions in global trade fairs

kpm3 supervisions in global trade fairs 2021  Even in times of covid, the world continues to turn, kpm3 has been able to oversee the following trade fairs with local construction supervisions: SEMICON 2021, Shanghai CNR+T Asia, Shanghai CNCIPPE 2021 , Beijing CNNEPCON 2021, Shanghai CNITTC China,  Suzhou CNCHINAPLAS 2021, Shenzhen CNISH China 2021, Beijing CNKitchen &…

Second Life Projekt, German Pavilion 2021

Second Life Projekt, German Pavilion 2021 German Pavilion in Qingdao, China The reuse of the German Pavilion in Qingdao is the next Second Life Project realised by kpm3. With the reconstruction of the “Digital Tree” we finalise the project to rebuild the former German Pavilion from the Expo 2019 Beijing at the Sino-German Ecopark, as an act…

Bruchstücke `45 , Berlin 2021 

Bruchstücke`45 Berlin 2021 Brandenburgmemorials, Berlin 2021 This exhibition construction of furniture and showcases, including media technology and graphics, in Oranienburg Berlin was realized for the Brandenburg Memorial Foundation. Client: Stiftung Brandenburgische Gedenkstätte General Contractor / Production: kpm3 berlin gmbh Construction period : August bis Dezember 2020 Publication : April 2021 Fotos: Benjamin Maltry 2021 LinkedIn